Although the survey found that 42% of consumers are aware that physical therapy can be performed only by a... read more
1. A Cleanser That Claims to Do More Than Clean
Cleanser stays on your face for about six seconds—no anti-aging... read more
Maintaining an upright posture touches almost every aspect of our lives, from our appearance, health, productivity and even our... read more
Stretch your neck by interlocking your hands behind your back and bringing your hands and head to the same... read more
Physical therapists understand how different sports can increase your risk for specific types of injuries. They can design appropriate... read more
Dr. Robert Morea of Bayside, NY discusses some basics of physical therapy. This video focuses on reversing the... read more
Vestibular Rehabilitation Training (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that improves balance through a multi-sensory treatment of inner ear... read more
Watch this video for a quick tip from The PT Doctor to challenge your balance skills a bit!
... read more
White Bread
White breads and pastas break down quickly into sugar, and in turn lead to inflammation. In a 2010... read more
We're here to help you with physical pain management in all it's forms. Our patient had suffered an elbow... read more