Maria Zalazar

Occupational Therapist

Meet Maria Zalazar, an Occupational Therapist from Miami now practicing in New York City. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management and Recreation from Florida International University, as well as a Master’s in Occupational Therapy from Nova Southeastern University, she is driven by a profound commitment to serving others.

During her clinical training, Maria had the opportunity to move to NYC to work in a hospital setting where she was able to gain inpatient rehab skills with adult patients. With a commitment to client-centered care, Maria is dedicated to optimizing outcomes and empowering her patients to reach their full potential. Whether it’s rehabilitating injuries or enhancing daily function, she’s ready to make a difference, one session at a time. Now, as an Occupational Therapist at The Physical Therapy Doctor, she blends her clinical expertise with a passion for building meaningful connections with her patients. During her free time, Maria loves to go on long runs, try different cuisines the city has to offer, and spend time with her loved ones.