February 2024
Many assume working out is the muscle’s job, pushing weights around as we enjoy a song or listen to a podcast. While this may be a fun way to pass the time, you’re not doing your fitness any favors with your mind elsewhere … CONTINUE READING
Foods That Help Our Microbiome
Inside all of us is a bustling community of bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses. But don’t worry! These microbiota work hard to keep our bodies balanced and healthy. They are so crucial to our health that they’ve been labeled a supporting organ because of what they do to keep our systems running smoothly. … CONTINUE READING
The ‘Silver Bullet’ To Improve Your Health
You could probably do a thousand things right now to be a little bit healthier — sleep an extra hour, walk a little more, eat more leafy greens, and on and on and on. You’ve heard all this from your doctors and those health magazines in their offices. But the way I see it, there is ONE thing that stands out above the rest. It’s the closest thing we’ve got to a silver bullet! … CONTINUE READING
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