“I’m glad that I trusted my heath to Dr. Robert”
“I am 53 years old. I’ve had scoliosis for 40 years. This year I had severe pain spasm of the neck muscles. My spine was also hurting and I couldn’t move actively. After any house work I felt back pain so much that I had to lie down and relax. I started to do exercises, but it was difficult because the joints were inflexible, crunched and gave pain.
My body was losing energy and the desire to be healthy has forced me to find a doctor who can help me. After my first visit with Dr. Robert, I realized that I was lucky. A.A.T, the program that gave me the doctor, let me feel better. I did not feel anymore the nervous stress and negative emotions. Dr. Robert gave me hope for the healing.
Then he gave me therapy that helped to remove the strong muscle tension neck and back pain. Doctor also helped fix scoliosis of the upper arms, which I had for 40 years. Now, after house work, I do not feel back pain and do not need to rest. When I use the computer, I try to control my posture, sit up straight and my spine is no longer tired and does not want to bend.
After all these changes I feel like a different person now, it’s easy for me to give. I’m glad that I trusted my heath to Dr. Robert. He is very thoughtful, considerate person and always ready to use all his knowledge, experience to help his patients.”
– Vera Cherkis