Vestibular Rehabilitation Training (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that improves balance through a multi-sensory treatment of inner ear... read more
Certain physical therapy techniques used during a headache can help to reduce the pain of the attack. Patients can... read more
AcuLaser therapy, as practiced by Dr. Robert Morea , LAc, synergistically blends traditional acupuncture with modern laser therapy, resulting in... read more
We do many eye coordination movements that approve the accuracy and help your body to react quicker so that... read more
White Bread
White breads and pastas break down quickly into sugar, and in turn lead to inflammation. In a 2010... read more
Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work... read more
1. Cabbage
Peak Season: While some strains of cabbage are available starting in July, most varieties love cool weather and are... read more
A sprain means an injury to a ligament, and ligaments support the spine, including its joints—the facet joints. A... read more
A sprain is caused by trauma — a fall, twist, or blow to the body, for example — that... read more
Sports Physical Therapy is a specialized practice that focuses on prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement of the... read more