Let's admit it. Core strength is important no matter what your age.
Demonstrated below by Dr. Robert Morea is a... read more
We're experts are performing manual therapy to help shorten your recovery time. #PhysicalTherapy read more
This technique is performed with the Q1000 Low Level Light Laser and is equivalent to acupuncture. You can feel... read more
Stretching and yoga postures help break up micro scar tissue that is binding down muscle fibers and limiting the... read more
Physical consequences of gaming addiction include carpal tunnel, migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating irregularities, and poor personal hygiene.
Carpal Tunnel... read more
Help Stop Dizziness and Improve Your Balance
If you have dizziness or difficulty with your balance following a concussion,... read more
Vestibular Rehabilitation Training (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that improves balance through a multi-sensory treatment of inner ear... read more
What Is an MRI and Why Do You Need It?
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe and painless test... read more
Ankle strength and flexibility are important with balance due to their role of being first called upon to react... read more
First and foremost, seek a medical professional to make sure your pain is not stemming from something more serious... read more