Love is split into three phases: lust, attraction and attachment. During the lust phase, hormones flood the body with... read more
If you start out quickly , you're in risk of pulling a muscle, tweaking a tendon, bone, or joint,... read more
By rolling the foot to the outer edge you will bring the foot joints into a locked position and... read more
Shape Up NYC
Various Parks & Recreations Centers
New York, NY
From aerobics to body toning classes, Shape Up offers a variety of... read more
Dr. Robert Morea of Bayside, NY discusses some basics of physical therapy. This video focuses on the flexibility aspect... read more
Just as very few people properly warm-up before intense exercise, so do many people fail to get their bodies... read more
Fatty fish
Oily fish, like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown... read more
6 Most Common Cycling Injuries
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis is an overuse injury caused by inflammation. This injury is not to... read more
Your Automatic Brain decides to deliver all pain that you feel. Physical injuries to ulcers send messages to our... read more
Here are our most popular posts viewed by hundreds of viewers daily!
1. Retrain Eye Reactivity
We do many eye coordination... read more