Dr. Robert Morea of Bayside, NY discusses some basics of physical therapy. This video focuses on fixing the... read more
Just as very few people properly warm-up before intense exercise, so do many people fail to get their bodies... read more
Yes, Yoga is safe! Not only is yoga safe, it may also prevent injuries. This is the practice of... read more
We expect you to fall asleep quicker, and sleep longer from the very first night of receiving A.A.T.! See... read more
Are you afraid to fully use the injured area no matter how many drills and training sessions you've had?... read more
No, not really. But for a few rare situations where patients had herniated discs in their backs, I did... read more
A common term these days for someone with back pain is a “Herniated Disc”. As a clinician I hear... read more
First and foremost, seek a medical professional to make sure your pain is not stemming from something more serious... read more
Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work... read more
Preventing Six Common Hiking Injuries
Even the most experienced hikers can get blisters on their feet. Unfamiliar terrain and inclines... read more