How to tell the difference between sprains, strains, and breaks Sprains A sprain is caused by trauma — a fall, twist, or blow to the... by ptdoctor
What is “Core Strengthening”? Core strength exercises strengthen your core muscles, including your abdominal muscles, back muscles and... by ptdoctor
10 Most Common Running Injuries 10 Common Running Injuries: Prevention and Treatment 1. Runner's knee. This is a common overuse... by ptdoctor
Top 5 Fitness Apps (Most Popular) Hello fitness enthusiasts, we dove into the digital sea of fitness apps to bring... by ptdoctor
Is Your Inner Alarm Broken? Your Automatic Brain decides to deliver all pain that you feel. Physical injuries to... by ptdoctor
Are High Heels Therapeutic? No, not really. But for a few rare situations where patients had herniated discs... by ptdoctor
Fall Prevention The Physical Therapy Doctor offers much to the community in the way of rehabilitation... by ptdoctor
What Is ASSOCIATIVE AWARENESS TECHNIQUE ? Associative Awareness Technique(TM) is a one-of-a-kind treatment designed to treat your Automatic Brain and... by ptdoctor
Q1000 Aculaser Q1000 Aculaser can stimulate acupuncture points without the use of needles to bring pain... by ptdoctor
What is Associative Awareness Technique? Associative Awareness Technique is a system that provides the deepest level of nervous system... by ptdoctor