1. A Cleanser That Claims to Do More Than Clean
Cleanser stays on your face for about six seconds—no anti-aging... read more
This is one way the hip flexor can be stretched which allows for more mobility in the front part... read more
We are the experts at identifying poor movement patterns and why they are occurring. We help you make... read more
Interestingly enough, many of the basic yoga positions are already commonly practiced by various physical therapists and other physical... read more
We're here to help you with physical pain management in all it's forms. Our patient had suffered an elbow... read more
Just as very few people properly warm-up before intense exercise, so do many people fail to get their bodies... read more
Certain physical therapy techniques used during a headache can help to reduce the pain of the attack. Patients can... read more
A great exercise for strengthening forearms for sports like tennis and baseball
#physicaltherapy #physicaltherapybayside #sportstherapy #bayside #bayterrace #painrelief #tendonitis #forearmstrength
A... read more
Animal rights advocates outraged that a SeaWorld float is included in next week’s lineup for Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade... read more
The "Rockerboard" is used to enhance a person's ability to balance on uneven surfaces. It is used to develop... read more