Sports Physical Therapy is a specialized practice that focuses on prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement of the... read more
Manual Therapy includes stretching, manual traction, and pressure points. We use these techniques and others to directly increase the... read more
1. Drink more water. Your body is 90 percent water and needs water for almost every function. Many of the... read more
A common term these days for someone with back pain is a “Herniated Disc”. As a clinician I hear... read more
The "Rockerboard" is used to enhance a person's ability to balance on uneven surfaces. It is used to develop... read more
A sprain means an injury to a ligament, and ligaments support the spine, including its joints—the facet joints. A... read more
Dr. Robert Morea of Bayside, NY discusses some basics of physical therapy. This video focuses on the flexibility aspect... read more
The Q1000 low level light laser has an attachment laser that is used to stimulate acupuncture points anywhere on... read more
Vestibular Rehabilitation Training (VRT) is a form of physical therapy that improves balance through a multi-sensory treatment of inner ear... read more
Are you afraid to fully use the injured area no matter how many drills and training sessions you've had?... read more