Glorious Technicolor
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the invention of Technicolor by George Eastman House, the MoMA is... read more
Certain physical therapy techniques used during a headache can help to reduce the pain of the attack. Patients can... read more
White Bread
White breads and pastas break down quickly into sugar, and in turn lead to inflammation. In a 2010... read more
One is the predominate cause of pain. The Physical Therapy Doctor therapists know how to differentiate between the two... read more
Manual physical therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy delivered with the hands as opposed to a device... read more
The common stereotype of physical therapy is that it is associated with pain, leaving the patient fearful of its... read more
Are your habits and routines sucking up your happiness?
Today is the perfect day to give up…
1. Worrying about… everything.
Tip: ... read more
Just as very few people properly warm-up before intense exercise, so do many people fail to get their bodies... read more
If you start out quickly , you're in risk of pulling a muscle, tweaking a tendon, bone, or joint,... read more
Ankle strength and flexibility are important with balance due to their role of being first called upon to react... read more