We offer the most up to date, scientific treatment available, specializing in all orthopedic injuries to the spine and... read more
In many cases, physical therapy has been shown to be as effective as surgery in treating a wide range... read more
Do you live in North America? Then there's a pretty good chance you're low on vitamin D.
1. You're more... read more
The Olympic Games are an intense event, for spectators and athletes alike. It’s heartbreaking to see an athlete suffer... read more
Stretching out the, often tight, hip flexor muscle will help you stand up straighter.
A video posted by The... read more
We can help you improve and gain physical strength.
A video posted by The Physical Therapy Doctor (@theptdoctorbayside) on Dec... read more
What is Manual Therapy?
The term “manual therapy” refers to hands-on treatment of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Manual therapy... read more
1. A Cleanser That Claims to Do More Than Clean
Cleanser stays on your face for about six seconds—no anti-aging... read more
Stretching before a workout allows the body to become more pliable and less prone to injury. The muscles that... read more
Prevent rounded shoulders. Improve posture. Here's a quick tip on the single-sided pectoral stretch.
https://theptdoctor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/pt5.mp4 read more