Sports Physical Therapy
Sports Physical Therapy is a specialized practice that focuses on prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement of the physically-active individual.
Sports Physical Therapy is a specialized practice that focuses on prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement of the physically-active individual.
#bayside #bayterrace #balancetraining #physicaltherapy #soccerrehab #sporttherapy
A video posted by The Physical Therapy Doctor (@theptdoctorbayside) on
Dr. Robert Morea of Bayside, NY discusses some basics of physical therapy. This video focuses on A.A.T & T.M. read more
A great exercise for strengthening forearms for sports like tennis and baseball #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapybayside #sportstherapy #bayside #bayterrace #painrelief #tendonitis #forearmstrength A... read more
Physical Therapy is reversing the process that resulted in pain or poor movement. Allow me to explain. Our bodies... read more
Being physically active is important to prevent heart disease and stroke, the nation’s Number one killer. To improve overall cardiovascular... read more
Medications and injections are commonly used to reduce pain. They sometimes help decrease pain symptoms, but at a price. ... read more
Maintain your pectoral muscle flexibility in order to have good posture and balance. #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapybayside #pains #backpain #bayside #painrelief #postureimproved... read more
You can improve your balance on your own but have chairs, counters and walls around you so you are... read more
Ankle strength and flexibility are important with balance due to their role of being first called upon to react... read more
Backward walking, also known as retro walking, is said to have originated in ancient China, where it was practiced... read more
Physical Therapy often helps people to avoid surgery. Finding the right physical therapist that is motivated, experienced and knowlegdable... read more