We expect you to fall asleep quicker, and sleep longer from the very first night of receiving A.A.T.! See... read more
Stretching before a workout allows the body to become more pliable and less prone to injury. The muscles that... read more
If you're watching the Olympics, you may see some Olympians covered with large circular bruises on their bodies. You... read more
Physical therapists seek to minimize pain and discomfort—even if it is chronic or long-term. They work within your pain... read more
A great shoulder stabilization exercise to promote contraction of multiple muscles at once.
https://theptdoctor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/pt4.mp4 read more
You can improve your balance on your own but have chairs, counters and walls around you so you are... read more
1.We Can Heal Your LOWER BACK PAIN
If you took 100 people without back pain and... read more
Stretching out the, often tight, hip flexor muscle will help you stand up straighter.
A video posted by The... read more
Physical therapists do a lot more than just stretch or strengthen weak muscles after an injury or surgery. As... read more
Here are our most popular posts viewed by hundreds of viewers daily!
1. Retrain Eye Reactivity
We do many eye coordination... read more