Our bodies are not designed for inactivity but for complex, whole-body movement. Lack of whole-body muscular movement is strongly... read more
Stretching and yoga postures help break up micro scar tissue that is binding down muscle fibers and limiting the... read more
If you start out quickly , you're in risk of pulling a muscle, tweaking a tendon, bone, or joint,... read more
The Nu-Step machine is great for people that want to strengthen their arms and legs, but are unable to... read more
Total Motion Release is a system of evaluating and treating a person from a different perspective. It allows the... read more
By rolling the foot to the outer edge you will bring the foot joints into a locked position and... read more
The mission of The Physical Therapy Doctor team is simple.
We strive to help people. Our ultimate goal is to... read more
Do you live in North America? Then there's a pretty good chance you're low on vitamin D.
1. You're more... read more
The type of therapy will, of course, differ based on the type of fracture. But in general, therapy begins... read more
Help Stop Dizziness and Improve Your Balance
If you have dizziness or difficulty with your balance following a concussion,... read more